Past Presentations by Year

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git and github

less than 1 minute read

Wytamma (@wytamma) presented a talk on using git and Github with RStudio. RStudio has great support for git and easily integrated with Github. Github is basi...

Data frame manipulation with tidyr

10 minute read

Here is our introduction to data frame manipulation using tidyr, one of the many useful packages from the tidyverse! Data manipulation is often required whe...

tidyr vs reshape2

less than 1 minute read

An alternative worklfow to Data frame Manipulation with tidyr Created by César Herrera tidyr use can be consulted here Here, I present an alternative way t...

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Data Management

less than 1 minute read

César (@CexyNature) did a presentation on Data Management. He described the importance of practicing good data management and he provided advice in what stra...

How to use a profiler to optimise code

less than 1 minute read

Ira (@iracooke) took us through some best practices for writing R code and how to use a profiler to optimise code. Ira’s notes can be found in this repo. li...

Shiny apps in R

less than 1 minute read

Kevin Bairos-Novak (@ecolology) gave an intro to build Shiny apps in R. Kevin’s note can be found in this repo.

Past presenters

1 minute read

We meet every Monday at 11am for an hour to discuss all things R Date Presenter Topic Links Link to recording ...

How to plot phylogenetic trees in R

1 minute read

Pete (@pete_cowman) gave an intro and demonstrated how to plot phylogenetic trees in R with the package ggtree. After intro he had fun plotting a phylogeny o...

Data storage and reproducible analyses

1 minute read

Joseph M. introduced the issues around Data storage and reproducibility. Started a conversation on producing guidelines and templates for reproducible resear...

Linear Mixed Effects Models pt2

3 minute read

Ira (@iracooke) summarised the key ideas on random vs fixed effects from the previous meeting, and Sonja walked us through her modelling and model selection ...

Linear Mixed Effects Models

3 minute read

Chloë (@CGBoote) lead us through a tutorial on linear mixed models in R. Lorenzo (@ItsFrogday) has summarised the discussion that followed. Random effects v...

Clean code best practices

less than 1 minute read

Lindsay (@lindsaymarkward) presented a talk via Zoom on clean code best practices with examples in Python. You can find a recoding of the talk on our TouTube...

Zooming back in

less than 1 minute read

After the Covid-19 disruption which sent us home, we resumed our weekly meetings using Zoom video conference. In this session, César (@CexyNature) showed us ...


5 minute read

Anything Goes: Loops Examples from our ‘anything goes’ loop session on 24th of Feb 2020 Python Wytamma presented an algorithm that uses a for loop to calcul...

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Python basics 🐍

less than 1 minute read

Wytamma (@wytamma) presented a talk on Python basics 🐍. We used Google colab to write and run some Python.

How to use Github

less than 1 minute read

César (@CexyNature) presented a talk on how to use Github. Chloë (@BooteCG), as a way to use his instruction tried to make an .md with the notes/instruction...

Intro to RMarkdown

less than 1 minute read

Ira (@iracooke) presented an intro to RMarkdown. The rendered presentation can be viewed on RPubs and source code is on github at

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